Thursday 24 November 2016

Wyrd Sisters

Whether you’re a fan of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels – in which case you may well have read ‘Wyrd Sisters’ in its original book form – or you have no notion who or what the Discworld is – you’ll still enjoy the play version of ‘Wyrd Sisters’.

Something is rotten in the kingdom of Lancre: Good King Verence has been murdered by Evil Duke Felmet who is now ruling in his place. Verence is understandably somewhat miffed about this and is busy haunting the castle to get his revenge.

Meanwhile, three local witches are – well, being witches. Round about the cauldron go, and all that – but they know a secret that could be the key to righting all the wrongs in Lancre....

...and when the Evil Duke decides to have a play performed, the Wyrd Sisters decide the play’s the thing...wherein to catch the conscience of the Duke... and reinstate the rightful king...

Yes, Shakespeare had a few similar ideas, but he never mixed them up like this!

‘Wyrd Sisters’ is a real family play, just the thing to enjoy on a cold December evening.

See you there!

'Wyrd Sisters' runs from December 9th - 17th (not Sunday or Monday); more information and ticket booking are now available via the Apollo Theatre's website.

The Box Office opens from Saturday December 3rd.