“I think telling the truth is about as healthy as skidding
round a corner at sixty.”
“And life’s got a lot of dangerous corners, hasn’t it?”
Is it always a good thing to tell the truth?
Robert Caplin thinks he knows his world: he has good
memories of the much-loved brother he sadly lost the year before, but he has a
wife who is surely a little too good for him, and is a partner in a thriving publishing
business; he is lucky enough to count both partners, and their employee Olwen
as close friends. His younger business partner is happily married to a
beautiful young woman and the older partner is just about as steady and
reliable a friend as a man could want.
So when he invites them all to dinner, along with a novelist
they represent, what could possibly go wrong?
To tell the truth, everything.
Dangerous Corner is the next Apollo production: details here - http://www.apollo-theatre.org.uk/dangerous-corner/